Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy
and Speech Language Pathology
Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy
and Speech Language Pathology
Providing topnotch therapy services to school-aged children in Nigeria
Providing topnotch therapy services to school-aged children in Nigeria
and Numerous Schools!
and Numerous Schools!
On a mission to change the world
On a mission to change the world
Therapy Consultancy
Therapy Consultancy
Devoted to meeting the therapeutic and educational needs of people living with disabilities.
Devoted to meeting the therapeutic and educational needs of people living with disabilities.
Excellent educational therapy suitable for the needs of students, parents, school administrators and seasoned therapists.
Explore our website to get Occupational therapy, Physical therapy, Speech Language Therapy, Special Education and TeleTherapy positions
Do you need therapy alternatives to meet the needs of students in your school? Teletherapy may be the solution you have been seeking for.
We provide webinars and in-person courses for busy therapists who desire to take further courses on OT, PT, SLT, special education and/or teletherapy?
School Based Therapy
Where Therapy meets Academic Focus to produce Student’s Success
We offer excellent educational therapy suitable for the needs of students, parents, school administrators and seasoned therapists. We are experts at anticipating, trouble-shooting, resolving, brainstorming, scheduling and mentoring – making us the most suitable partner for schools in Nigeria.
Schedule an Appointment with Us
Would you love to make further enquiries about our school based therapy opportunities or services? You can schedule an appointment with us to meet physically or via a call. We are eager to hear from you!